Grace's Fantasy Bingo; have fun bois; Plays D&D; wants a pet dragon; Loves every fantasy race; Wants to be an elf; has read "The Inheritance Cycle"; wants to be a Dungeon Master for D&D; has watched "The Dragon Prince"; Has a fantasy loving sibling; Wants to live in a tree house; Has used fallen branches and sticks as wamds and staffs; Eldridge; Wants magic to be real; Follows the path of a fantasy god over own religion; Has fake elf ears; Has looked in real life mythologies; Always reading fantasy books; has read "The Lunar Chronicles"; A lot of your friends hate fantasy; Has watched "How To Train Your Dragon" and loves it; Loves Rayla from "The Dragon Prince"; believes in magic and wants to use it; Uses resin to make fake potions; Thinks that the Dragon and Fairy types in Pokemon are the best; has seen "Little Witch Acadamia"; Likes Eldridge Horror