HOW ARE AFRICAN WITCHCRAFT AND MODERN SECULAR PSYCHOLOGY SIMILAR? African reliance on witchcraft is widespread even though those who count on it, rated their lives significantly "less satisfying than those who do not." Of course, that’s no surprise and it's similar to what we've learned though some of our secular-psychology studies. A lot of psychologists follow the teachings of men like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, but both men were involved with the occult; especially Jung, who admitted to getting much of his inspiration from demons that spoke to him. Freud became addicted to cocaine. And if you statistically look at the lives of many popular secular psychologists, you'll find theirs are just as messed up—or worse—than their lives of their average patients. Yet, people go to them for advice, just as the less-satisfied
Africans are the ones who rely on witchcraft.