I'm no doctor. The situation has a lot to do with the struggle. When others are satirizing or outright mocking that can be a lesser thing. The greater thing is usually organized and directly inflicts harm. It's never good to be insensitive. It's always bad to take away rights physically harm deleteriously or completely ignore the problem.
I hate to weigh in on a particular group I may know nothing of's situation. I hope I am not misconstrued. Their may be a rare case where the abstract context is conflated too a severe degree. I feel like the scrutiny of expressing being trans in Hollywood may be working against many a goal of being trans. The community is clearly supportive in intent; Hollywood is pro-trans. But that does not mean it actuality is. Metaphorically CELEBRITIES aRE Posers by craft so to speak. That is their job to deal in fantasy.
So despite best intentions of a 'village of actors/actresses' their may be very bad message of anti-support. As the joke goes, "I'm not an actor but I play one on TV". The help may glow out to the entertained, skipping inwardly the entertainees. In short I transfer my own pretty comfortable place to cope onto a unfunhouse mirror where those in the limelight have a worse place to cope.
So to get back to your assertion there is a fine line between what constitutes love and what constitutes hate. Careless dumb language by morons is often easy to cope with and dismisd. Much of what is pretended by others can easily be seen through, by adults at least, as others own sad dysfunctional masks. However when the masks are devious and particularly where great amounts of power are involved equally in politics, science and entertainment, no one may know whether the masks are helping or hurting. This includes proponents and detractors of trans individualulality.
Note: This also has nothing to do with malicious mask meant to draw trans individuals into a play that is meant to convert or harass.