none of them look very strong to me. the first one looks like a v-tuber that's actually a 500-pound grown man living in his mother's basement, the second one looks like an army guy halloween costume gone wrong, and the third one looks like every discord girl profile pic ever. It wouldn't really matter who I'd fight, realistically, a shotgun shell to the head would do the trick. To all extents I would use the Leopard 2a7 main battle tank just to scare the shit out of them before APFSDSing them back into hell. In terms of melee combat, I'm not worried about that either. I could take all three of them out with a sword and a shield, because two of them are unarmed, and the standard M9 bayonet issued army knife is too short range for swords, and even if he threw it as a last-ditch attack, I'd parry with my shield. so yeah, it doesn't matter who I fight.