PlEaSe DeLeTe ThIs, We DiDnT aSk FoR yOuR oPiNiOn On LeGaL sHiPs ThAt ArEnT bAd In AnY wAy!!! I DoNt cArE tHaT yOu HaVe ViEwS oN tHiS bUt Ni NeEd To ShArE tHeM oR dIsReSpEcT pEoPlE wHo LiKe ThEsE sHiPs!!! NoT cAnOn ThAt DeKu LiKeS uRaRaKa, ItS cAnOn ThAt BaKuGo AnD dEkU lIkE eAcHoThEr In A fRiEnD wAy aT lEaSt AnD aRe WoRkInG oN tHeIr rElAtIoNsHiP. hAvE tOu EvEn SeEn ThE mAnGa?1!? My sincerest apologies for offending you, but I stated my reasons for not liking the pairings, I can edit this if new material comes up, this is just from what I know of the fandoms. Besides, most BakuDeku shippers I've seen get fairly cringe with the pairing. I HAVE stated that I am not trying to be rude to those who enjoy these pairings (Unless it's Dwicky x Dib, Fontcest, or Frans, as those are illegal) Again, this is not me being rude, it is me stating ships I don't like for reasons I feel are valid. This WILL be updated as new material comes up and as my opinion on pairings changes. So, if you want to judge me for stating that there are ships I can't get into even if I tried, please keep that judgement to yourself, and don't hate me for having an opinion.