Here's my opinion:
You know how I said how the popularity of anime will be its doom? It's starting. And this might just be the future of anime. Western anime would be more popular than original anime coming from Japan, and all of the Western anime would look like High Guardian Spice.
I've seen Deku and Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) trip more realistically than Rose, she did a fricking flip. I guess that's the mental gymnastics the creators took to come up with that one straight character (who, btw, is portrayed as a complete asshole).
The opening theme's sounds like it's been written by me as a 10 year old when I didn't know much about making a song, just thought of a melody and thought of trash "inspiring" lyrics.
The characters are obviously self-inserts.
Both the voice acting and dialogue are just horrible. Who just says "aRe YoU SUrE???" to "My name is ____." I mean, I get that the scene was supposed to make the guy look bad and to make women look strong, but f*ck, at least make the dialogue realistic!
The LGBTQ characters and even the ones who aren't LGBTQ just feel so forced and they don't seem like relatable human beings at all. I've seen random people on YouTube rewrite the scenes, and it seems better than the original. I'd actually rather watch an anime with that kind of scene.
Why did I even spend my precious time watching this trash?