Tiktok is the worst thing ever. I’d rather sit in a white room, eat white food, and dress up in white clothes for eternity than watch that crap. Sure, you have an opinion, and that’s fine, but you don’t have to be toxic, saying OhH EvErYtHiNg WiLl PuNiSh YoU. Look what tiktok did to your mind! Woah! No surprise your an idiot! I think your mom dropped u on your head when u were born, and guess what: NO ONE ASKED! So shut up, toxic wasteland. You have more toxicity then Fukushima and Chernobyl combines! So good bye, and keep this in mind: Tiktok Is Trash! Oh, one more thing: kids have died doing challenges, and they’ve gotten arrested from stealing school property. So don’t let tiktok mush your brain, cuz it’s already a brain swamp. Goodbye, and get off tiktok u 9 yr old girl!