There is no such thing as the Libertarian Left. Freedom does not exist on the left. Not on the modern left anyway. Classical liberalism is only found on the modern right, just as classical conservatism is only found on the left.
The scale that we were taught in school where communism and socialism is on the far left while nazism and fascism is on the far right is bogus and a lie. It cannot work because nazism and fascism are just variations of socialism. There is no room for freedom between that right/left scale.
Freedom is found at the opposite end of the scale from authoritarianism. Libertarians are at the far right of the correct scale and anarchy is at the extreme right.
"Gulags and pistols" are used by governments to control people that is why government must be extremely limited, small and virtually powerless. When that is the case then "gulags and pistols" are only used to restrain people who cannot stop themselves from violating other people's freedom.
Freedom works but it is very hard to maintain. People are too eager to give up liberty for safety.