IS THE "WORD OF FAITH" MOVEMENT JUST WESTERNIZED HINDUISM? [2 of 4] Whether you know much about Word of Faith preachers or not, it is rampant in the Christian Church today. When you see them on Christian television, just know that the whole thing is demonic. They are not only ripping off well-meaning—but uninformed—folks in the Church, most often it is the poorest Christians that they take advantage of. The only difference between Eastern, Hindu gurus and their American counterparts in the Word of Faith movement is that the latter sprinkle Christianese on the Hindu sales pitch. Folks want to believe the claims of slick men or women on television who promises to alleviate their health issues and financial struggles. Instead, just like the gurus in India, these conmen that have invaded the Western Church are just
scamming people to grab their cash, and that includes the many, many
Word of Faith preachers in the Christian Church today.