DOES HARRY POTTER USE REAL OCCULT-WITCHCRAFT SPELLS? The common magic (witchcraft) phrase “Abracadabra" is spelled “Avra Kadavra” in Aramaic. Real witches use this phrase in their attempts to conjure up whatever they want. The spell means “it will be created in my words.” The book and movie series demonstrate something virtually the same, having only a couple switched letters: Harry and others use the killing curse “Avada Kedavra.” Yet, people claim there is no genuine witchcraft in the film and book series, so it’s just entertainment and perfectly fine for our children. But I just gave you one example of many that prove the complete opposite. In fact, Rowling even admitted her killing curse was inspired from the Aramaic-witch-spell “Avra Kadavra.” But hey, people that have not researched the subject know better, right? Is it really just innocent fun and actually helps kids read? An epic motion picture series with major
emotional exposure to witchcraft will never make them want to be witches,
right? Wrong. Since the series came out, the world has seen a massive
increase in those interested to learn more about witchcraft and
other occult practices, especially among the youngest.