i will unblock for a few seconds *definitely not bitch mode here, more of an investigator*
why does the amount of social media followers even matter. why must an opinion be "valid". and also whats wrong with being who you are. when someone bullies me, shit is given by a 10/90 ratio (10% care, 90% including the bully or bullies doesn't), but if i bully someone i am physically not ALLOWED to win. can we at least treat ppl like everybody did 10 years ago, like when we all had some kind of respect. like them good old days. but i have a thing on you and others, i own a legitimate pickup truck which was a hand me down from my aunt. also if you don't give a fucc of me, why dare attack me like the terrorists who crashed planes into the twin towers. that shows you in fact DO give a fucc. next time i am bullied or silenced over some shit stupider than how stupid i am in your vision. and trust me, it's very hard to see the perspective of someone who's colorblind
choose your side: hate me OR like me. NO SWITCHING, and only 1 chance
also, any type of deliberate disrespect to this results in permanent block