I mean...its annoying ngl.
I wouldn't use Zero of a Medieval rp since his from the future.
Just like I wouldn't use Robbie for an rp that's sci-fi, it's not his time period to exist in.
T i m e p e r i o d s are not d i m e n s i o n s
If an rp is in a medieval time period you don’t use a modern oc. Generally a time period means that your character should have the technology limits of the time period, as well as no knowledge of time beyond the time period.
If you have an oc that you think would work for the rp but doesn’t followed the established rules, you can ask the rp maker
OCs don’t have to die if you don’t want them too -.-
Also, if you want to participate in a medieval roleplay nobody is stopping you from making a medieval OC
You can use your oc from different points in their life as well, like my character Hazīn has several different roleplays that tie to different parts of his life
Me: It’s a medieval time period and you get pickpocketed, you can pick what item is stolen; Literally everyone: HEY GIVE MY ELECTRONIC MODERN DEVICE THAT DOESN’T EXIST IN THIS TIME PERIOD BACK