Article 15: Stream Moderator Responsibilities Section 1: Moderators are responsible for enforcing the laws of IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS, the Imgflip Terms of Use, and keeping the Approval Queue clear.
Section 2: Those who are eligible to become moderators are the Owners, the current and former Presidents, and the current VP, HOC, and HOS. However, one is not required to become a moderator if they gain one of these positions if they don’t want to. Community and Global Mods may also perform moderations if they see something that violates the Imgflip TOS.
Section 3: IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS aims to model a democracy that is open to all community members regardless of their identity. All mods, including elected mods, have a responsibility to promote this vision. Modding the stream is a privilege, not a right, of being elected. If a mod is found to have abused their mod in serious and ongoing ways, then the Owner reserves the right to demod the mod pending an investigation.
Section 4: Moderators may not reverse moderation decisions made by a Community or Global Moderator, as they are enforcing TOS. Even if there is a law allowing whatever the moderation was performed on, Imgflip TOS ALWAYS trumps IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS laws. If you feel they still made the wrong call, get in contact with another Community Mod (OlympianProduct, AndrewFinlayson, Kate_the_Grate, or Thparky) and they will determine whether the right call was made or not, and fix whatever they can if they determine the wrong call was made.