But I've also got some bad news. First, CrashXMeme isn't getting any views and is a bit upset about it so please support him by doing so! Also, I can't believe I'm banned from MSMG 2! Just because I have a 'no Wallhammer' sign on my MSMG template doesn't mean I have to be banned from so many streams! And guess what? I am! Trust me, the reason I leave Imgflip is not that I'm a Crybaby, cringe baka 9-yr-old! It's because I have to reflect on reflective reactions that 'memeduh', 'Idrinkmemes', and 'CrashXMemes' taught me about. and I'm scared about using this site because my big brother wants to delete my Imgflip account so Imma use it less often to not get caught and not get my account deleted. And I was also grounded.
Plz support me here:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/maxdiarosh
Roblox: MAXDIAROSH/2020
and here in Imgflip.
love you all, miss you, and good luck enjoying the remaining days for the spooky holidays!
Best regards,