The bible isn't the evidence. To start, billions of people now and historically believe and will swear with everything they've got that they personally know it to be true. Then, there is the insane improbability of life ever forming, then multicellular organisms from there, then photosynthesizing organisms, etc. formed without some guiding hand. Entire protein systems had to be formed nearly spontaneously and had to function right from the start or the cell that has each mutation wouldn't have offspring to pass it on to. Then, there are the basic constants in nature that can't be derived from any formula, but just exist. All are so exactly perfect that life can exist, but tiny changes in any of them would not allow that. If G was lower, stars couldn't form, and if it was higher, space would be even more dangerously squished together. Then there are the events in human history such as the coming of Christ, where many acknowledge that he was a man born on earth, but they don't accept that the prophecies about his birth were true, as he did come, because they would rather go on in the easy road of disbelief. The list goes on.
Again, evolution theory doesn't stand against God. Heavenly Father very well could have arranged the Earth as it formed so that life could come into existence and guided it through evolution. Science proves the what, but not always the why or how.