???: Do you want to become free, from society? troll face: yes; Step 1: Be hired in NASA; ???: Don't worry! troll physics is on the way; Step 2: Hack to their controls and hijack the rocket; Step 3: Find that your rocket is actually a prototype that can go further than the solar system; Step 4: You launched the rocket; Step 5: You flew further than the solar system; Step 6: Realize you don't have enough fuel and you are now stuck in the rocket ship; Step 7: Realize that you need other people because you are a social creature; Step 9: You decided that you will take over and stop being controlled by a mysterious being; Step 8: Realize that you have been killed many times by those "incidents"; Step 11: You failed; Step 10: You tried to do contact with it; Step 13: Accept the dark truth, and live with it; Step 12: You once again realize, that you will be tortured for eternity, stuck in a dimension called a "trollge incident"