Because the creator of this meme is an upvote beggar. They are a sub species of homo sapiens which came shortly after homo sapiens neanderthalensis went extinct. They evolved from homo sapiens sapiens in 2002, and are known for showing a lower cranial capacity than any other human species.
This can be proved by scientific studies made in 2018, to see how they would create humor. each test usually lead to failure, with many of the patients creating 'memes' with no meaning, begging for upvotes, and multiple other problems with their memes.
Positive differences between our two species include not having the appendix, which is an organ that used to be able to digest raw meat, but cannot work anymore.
One problem with this species is the fact they reproduce more times than any other human. They are also affecting our lives, such as typing absolute garbage on video games, and turning them into cringe. Some examples of ruined games include roblox, minecraft, and fortnite.
We can speculate things will just become worse for all life on earth.