Lemme check...
Total votes are 47
Formula is Candidate votes/Total votes (ex. 4/47= 0.085)
Votes to the nearest thousand will be rounded up or down (Ex. 0.085 will be rounded up to 0.09, 0.084 will be rounded down to 0.08)
Me: 25/47=0.531 (Rounded to 0.53) so I got 53% of the vote
Behapp: 16/47=0.34, Behapp got 34% of the vote
Randomness: 3/47=0.063 (Rounded to 6), Randomness got 6% of the vote
Luigi: 3/47=0.063 (Rounded to 6), Luigi got 6% of the vote
There's 1% missing, but this is the math for it but envoy is right, Kaiju and Bruh got 6% of the vote