There are three sexes, and infinite genders you can be. You do not “identify as” your gender, you are your gender. Saying “identify as” asserts that trans people are basically cis in disguise, and just pretending to be something else.
Once again: There's a difference between sex and gender and intersex is not one sex, it's an umbrella term for so many things. There are not just 3 sexes - there are just too many ways your biological sex can be different so people don't make up names for every unique combination of biological features making up your sex so they are just collectively called intersex.
1 up, 3y
Male female and intersex are all sexes not genders specifically gender is more so just what you identify as and there's a l o t more than 83 xD
Hallo; Hallo i am bean and i am most active in msmg and there has been a lot of arguing there about there only being 2 genders but tbh there in only 3. Male, Female, and intersex. BUT you can identify as i think there is like 83 genders that you can identify as. anyways have a nice day.