CHARGES (AS THEY STAND NOW...) SUMMARY; This case is getting pretty far into the weeds.
This is a super condensed version for myself and anyone else who likes the cliffsnotes. š°šµRUP mods have been marking a bunch of "G" and "PG" memes "NSFW." Most of the memes in question are being marked NSFW for the word "bisexual" or other LGBT content. All of them are conveniently from IG's political opponents. ATTEMPTING TO
SILENCE POLITICAL OPPONENTS: CORRUPTION. š°šµ Incognito is removing G & PG comments made by his political opponents. Again the comments in question are related to LGBTQ content and are conveniently from his opponents. AGAIN CORRUPTION. š°šµ Incognito threatened to fire Sloth when he complained about this.
While everyone knows IG, not Price, is ACTUALLY running the show, the VP can't legally make those decisions. But this is just another case of IG trying to silence political opponents. MORE CORRUPTION.