Shyboy; Male; Somewhere between 12-23; Shy guy? Being lazy, sleeping, memes, guns, etc. People who guess his species from looks, peta, furrys (not real animals tho), pineapple pizza; Chill and lazy, sometimes kind, sometimes violent, No; He will do any except erp or romance as usual for my ocs; He was created by an old anti guy costume getting covered in a strange goop that was made of inkling ink remains of dead dittos and some stuff from bowser jrs paintbrush he doesent really know what to call his species since there’s only one of it and he was always an orphan since nobody wanted a “kid who lives in a Halloween costume” plus he was a handful anyway, he hates peta because when he was at 7 peta tried getting rid of him cause they thought he was made in an abusive way by being made through dead ditto parts in that suspicious goop