Welcome to the PornPolice. I'm your leader Spiralz. Please note that I may be a bit inactive for a few weeks/months because of horrible WiFi so, just email
[email protected] and my operators will take care of any problems or questions you have.
The PornPolice is a pretty active and advanced stream. We're responsible for cleaning up Imgflip of *uncensored porn* and occasionally, other Terms of Service infractions. We also like to make cool online applications to improve cybersecurity and even protect your own stream(s) from people breaking the Terms of Service and/or your stream's rules! These apps are still under development, however.
By the way, there are the Terms of Service if you are wondering:
To get you started, you'll have to go through a training process. We developed an eLearning website for you to do your training. We have courses that you must take and if you get a total score of more than 70, you can then join us and actually work for us. It's currently under maintenance so, yeah. I'll send the link to you in about a few days.
Lastly, I may need your Memechat. So if you are kind enough to do so, please type in a Memechat link.