The `NeW wOrLd OrDeR` is not real! It's a bunch of FAKE, predominantly religious, bullshit. And, get a load of this, depopulation is actually a good thing! There are honestly to many damned people on planet Earth right now. Sizably reducing the Earth's population would intensely reduce the amount of harm that we are doing to the world with global warming, war, each other.
And...reducing the worlds population and the NWO, both, as `cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIeS`, are utopian horror white supremacist `cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIeS`.
The people that believe in this, & in this type of, garbage are a danger to themselves and others and should be shuffled off to an asylum for mentally insane. Call it a FEMA camp; I don't care! That's what they deserve.