Here's some already on the list in no particular order:
Trump: (Which Right was he, Auth or Lib?)
IncognitoGuy: Authoritarian Right
OlympianProduct: Libertarian Left
AndrewFinlayson: Authoritarian Left
The_beez_kneez: Authoritarian Left
Better_call_sloth: Authoritarian Left
Surlykong69: Libertarian Right
MoonMan: Authoritarian Right
Crazyscientistfarmer: Centrist
RichardChill24 and alts: Libertarian Right/Authoritarian
Waldo/ConfusionTheTree: Libertarian Left
Envoy: Libertarian Left
Uno: Libertarian Left
And of course, SuGaS (Jk, lol).
Take 2:
And of course, WhiteNationalist: Authoritarian Right/Centre