q: why did you do what you did?
a: i wanted to be famous for something so i decided to make memes on this website. first, i tryed posting actul memes, but people hated them. i was angry at this so i decided to troll here.
q: are you really like this irl?
a: no the racism and stuff was just a joke. i got carried away with it. my dad actually supports the ndp. i dont spell the best but i dont actually spell terribly. i leave the apostraphes out of contractions to be different, apostraphes are lame anyway.
q: how have you been?
a: i could be better. i just moved from montreal to ottowa recently because some of my family lives there
q: will you come back?
a: idk, maybe. ill defintly post at least once a month as a check in.
q: where were you?
a: i decided to take a break from imgflip. i was doing what i regularly do while i was gone. i decided to come back 2 days ago to show people i wasnt dead.
if you want to ask any other questions, you can.