nEvEr GoNnA gIvE yOu Up NeVeR gOnNa LeT yOu DoWn NeVeR gOnNa RuN aRoUnD aNd DeSeRt YoU nEvEr GoNnA mAkE yOu CrY nEvEr GoNnA sAy GoOdByE nEvEr GoNnA tElL a LiE aNd HuRt YoU
Are you sure this will work!? Ha ha,I have no idea
Lets try it out!
Y U No
That's what she said
Drake Hotline Bling
Dies from cringe
lulu’s stop it. get some help.
No, i dont think i will
So long partner
Blank White Template
Blank White Template
I bet he is thinking about other women; Should I make a long meme like i-upvote-your-memes? WHY IS IT SO LONG; MAKE A NORMAL MEME; MAKE A LONG MEME; THIS MEME