Some things to use on a roblox slender if you rap battle them:
You look like a porcupine,
You smell like a skunk,
Turn off your radio,
It sounds like garbage,
You don't belong here,
Now get out of my sight
It is, the cost of the stitch face is 4000 robux, which is 40 USD. If I am correct %10 percent of the 4000 is given to the creator. So the creator gets 400 robux while Roblox gets 3600 robux or 36 USD back. And that is just for 1 stupid ugly face
If only we could make roblox better, somehow make roblox NOT grow greedy, have actual moderation, no slenders and not toxicity while still keeping the millions of games today *except cringe ones*
Think of old roblox while still retaining some aspects of new roblox except slenders, greed and no toxicity or cringe games. It would be the perfect roblox.