Cool. Well, thanks again. Not all self proclaimed Christians act Christ-like as we are called to do. (Myself included. Just look at some of my memes, lol.). It's not an east road to walk. Like especially the Christians being killed right now in Afghanistan as I am writing this. But, just like the Apostles, no one will willingly die for a lie. Or as the atheists would say, what "they Believe" is a lie. Eventually, everyone has to make their own decision on what they believe. But just the fact that not every Christian acts as they should, proves that we need a Savior. And you don't have to give up anything to become a believer. It's just that when you do, you should have a desire to give up the things that are bad for you. Anyway, sorry for the long comment. I'm sure some of the atheists and agnostics on here will try to attack the things I just said. I usually don't comment in these types of groups for that reason. I just wanted to make one last response to the question you asked and to say thanks.