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Crusader and Seven, good friends

Crusader and Seven, good friends | POV; YOU ARE THE CHAMPION OF A FIGHT CLUB AND YOUR NEXT FIGHT IS AGAINST THESE TWO | image tagged in memes,blank transparent square | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
677 views 5 upvotes Made by anonymous 3 years ago in Role_Play
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Mimtoids Oc Kyla | image tagged in mimtoids oc kyla | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Kyla: Oh. A double team? Come out my pretties! * A bunch of bees fly out*
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Seven: Huh, eeek
Crusader: Oh great, bees
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Kyla: Im just evening the game.
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Seven: *Hiding behind Crusader*
Crusader: We can do this
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Kyla: Go ahead.
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*Crusader jumps on the wall Leaving Seven out*
Seven: Huh, uh oh
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Kyla: * forms a honey blade*
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Seven: *goes into octopus form and goes through the grates*
Crusader: *Pulls his sword*
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Kyla: * the bees surround both of them stinging them *
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*Crusader suffers the most stings as Seven makes the bees sting one of the refs with an allergy*
Ref 2: KYLA!!! You dare have your bees sting one of the referees
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Kyla: I didnt command them to do that?
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Crusader: AGH, AAAH!!!
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Kyla: * she shoots honey at seven keeping her in place *
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Seven: eeek
*Crusader resists the pain and slashes at Kyla with his sword*
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Kyla: * she dodges and shoots honey at Crusader *
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*Crusader slashes the honey into 2 and kills some bees and he is pissed*
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Kyla: * she gets pissed because you killed her bees , and begins flying and throwing everything deadly at you *
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*Crusader dodges it and gets under her*
Crusader: I guess your the queen
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Kyla: I guess you could say that. * she traps them in hardened honey *
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*Seven escapes her entrapment and gets back in*
Seven: HEY!!! Don't touch my friend
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Kyla: * he shoots an UNDODGABLE honey spike through both of their hearts *
[deleted] M
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((I lowkey wanna enter as a cat is that allowed lmao- I just wanna do it for the lols))
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(Well, if the cat is the champion, it has to have to be able to do something)
[deleted] M
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(It can fight in a cat like manner- so the fight COULD IN THEORY GO LIKE:
Cat: *walks into the arena*
Everyone: :0 :D Awww-
The cat: *starts scratching/uses the enviornment to it's advantage/etc*)
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(Sure and that cat could be quick)
Seven: Aww a cat
Crusader: What you've never seen one Seven
[deleted] M
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(Yeye :3 thank you for allowing me to join :3)

The cat: *walks into the area and looks up at the both of them* Nya! :3
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Seven: Awww
Crusader: I suppose it looks adorable
[deleted] M
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The cat goes walks in between each of their legs, purring happily, before looking up at them :3
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Seven: Awww
*Seven pets the cat and Crusader looks at Seven*
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The cat crawls into Seven's arms, wanting to be held.
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[deleted] M
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Chris: *pulls out his explosive SMG* this will be easy!
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Ref: *Takes the SMG away* No
Crusader: Phew
Seven: What was that Crusader
Crusader: Death
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Chris: …f**k
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Seven: Now we will stand a chance
Crusader: Okay
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Chris: *appears behind you* omae wa mou shinderiou
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Seven: Kicks Chris in chest
Crusader: *Punches Chris in the face*
Crusader and Seven: *Image*
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Chris: 
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Crusader: *Kicks Chris*
Seven: *Kicks Chris as well*
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Kin'Ra: "...a 2v1. You still don't stand a chance."
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Crusader: *Lays down*
Seven: Eh sure *Lays down*
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Kin'Ra: " know what? No. I'm not letting people beat me by cheating."

*Kin'Ra slams her spiked boot into Crusader's chest, right over his heart.*
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Crusader: AGH
Seven: HEY Don't do that
Ref: Hey, they forfeited
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*Kin'Ra stomps on Seven.*
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*Seven grabs Kin'Ra's shoe and quickly takes it off of Kin'Ra*
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*Kin'Ra grabs Seven and lifts her up by the head. She takes her shoe back, then throws her full-force at the referee.*
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*Crusader gets up and impales Kin'Ra with his sword through the chest*
Crusader: LET HER GO!!!
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*Kin'Ra spins around and grabs the sword as Crusader tries to impale her. She breaks it.*

Kin'Ra: "Pathetic. You can't even cheat properly."
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Crusader: Oh I know, but she can
*Seven has a Unpinned grenade, gives it to Kin'Ra and it blows up in Kin'Ra's hand*
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*Kin'Ra is slightly injured but otherwise fine.*

Kin'Ra: "Did you really think that was going to work on a demon?"
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Crusader: This will
*Crusader splashes Kin'Ra in holy water*
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Kin'Ra (sarcastically): "...ow, that hurt so much."
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*Seven escapes from Kin'Ra's grip and Crusader busts out of the arena with Seven*
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Kin'Ra: "Cowards."
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Ref: Well... they couldn't win and they were making a good choice*
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Kin'Ra: "Shut. Up."

*Kin'Ra punches the referee.*
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Ref: That's it, those 2 won
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Kin'Ra: "If you value your puny little life you will change that ruling."
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Ref: Nope
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*Kin'Ra snaps the ref's neck.*
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Crusader: Oh jesus, that hurts
Seven: *Tries to get back up*
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*Kin'Ra grabs Seven, picks her up, and smacks Crusader with her.*
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Seven: Ouch
Crusader: Okay, I think we can't win
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Kin'Ra: "Told you."
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Seven: Why did we register here
Crusader: We were forced too
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Kin'Ra: "Deal with it."
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Crusader: Sh-should we forfeit
Seven: No, we can do this
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Kin'Ra: "No you can't."
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Ref: Well, technically they can by laying on the floor but that wouldn't be a good win for the champ
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Kin'Ra: "Shut up, ref, or I'll break you too."
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Seven: Umm
Crusader: We can do this
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Kin'Ra: "Don't lie to yourself. Or to your partner."
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Crusader: We're just trying to get to the surface
Seven: Oh, this is an underground fight club
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Kin'Ra: "Well, nobody gets to do what they're trying to do once they're up against me. Unless what they're trying to do is lose."
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Crusader: We got this
Seven: Yeah, we got this
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Kin'Ra: "Keep lying to yourselves. But go ahead. You're challengers, so you get the first strike."
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*Crusader grabs Seven and Seven clenches her fist and Crusader throws her at Kin'Ra*
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*Kin'Ra leaps into the air and lands on Seven, slamming her down into the ground.*
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Seven: Oof
*Crusader grabs Kin'Ra's legs and slams him to the ground*
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*As Crusader tries to grab Kin'Ra's legs, she headbutts him with surprising force.*
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