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Yeah I’ll use Clay___ I don’t have a good last part yet)
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Moonshade: We've woken up Rustyscar, and Foxpetal had 3 kits.
Rustyscar: H-hi..
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Claydusk: Hello.
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Foxpetal | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Moonshade: Okay, Rustyscar. Go deal with the kits.
Rustyscar: Okay.. *walks over to the bed*
Foxpetal: *breathing heavily and panting fur air*
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Claydusk: * she drops of the herbs *
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Foxpetal: *gets up*
The three kits: *screaming and mewing*
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Claydusk: * wandering around aimlessly *
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Cloudtail: *leaps up onto a high rock*
Cloudtail(yelling): All apprentices old enough to hunt their prey, come to the high rock fur a meeting.
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Claydusk: * he runs there anyway *
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Cloudtail: Everyone here?
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Claydusk: * nodding *
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Cloudtail: Okay, follow me to my clan.
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Claydusk: Okay. * she grabs a bunch of herbs and goes after her *
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-Cloudtail walks to a slightly big cave without a roof, slightly covered in tropical greenery-
Cloudtail: Here we are! *walks into the kinda big, kinda small hole in the cave's wall covered in more tropical greenery* I know, this is a forest and tropical greenery isn't normal here. But GOD, I can't believe Mistykit left the clan just to get some decorations, because now that kit is missing half of it's tail.
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Claydusk: Wow. * she looks for a medicine den to drop the herbs she brought*
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-Claydusk sees a small area on the cave's wall, with a shelf made out of smoothed rocks in the area. There are also small beds made out of moss and wheat, with a kinda big hot spring pond in the corner of the area. There is a cat sitting there, next to the shelf. Also, there's walls made out of smoothed rocks and plants and cobwebs in the area, and Claydusk realizes that's the medicine den.-
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* she walks over and puts the herbs up, almost like she has experience*
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Sandfur: H-hi. I see you've brought herbs. Thank you.. Also, very impurressive.
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Claydusk: Thank you. * she strolls off *
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-Claydusk sees two very stressed out cats nearby-
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* she crouches and eavesdrops on them *
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(name her Claydusk, from the black parts on her fur)
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Alright sure)
Claydusk: * grabbing a mouse off the fresh kill pile *
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Cloudtail: *walks on over to Claydusk* Hewwo!
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Claydusk: Hello?
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Cloudtail: Are you in a clan? I'm just curious.
(Cloudtail has her own clan, named CloudClan. She's looking fur recruits because the clan isn't full yet, and she'll find anyone she can to ask.)
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Claydusk: * she shook her head*
( oh nice )
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Cloudtail: Sooooooo, is that a no?
(yee ikr)
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Claydusk: No, I’m not in a clan.
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Cloudtail: Oh! Do you wanna join my clan?
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Claydusk: Sure.
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(oooo! what's it called?)
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( Roseclan)
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Cloudtail: *hurries out of the Clan* BEEFANG, YOU'RE IN CHARGE FUR NOW!
Beefang: *steps onto the high rock*
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Claydusk: * stretching*
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-A cat walks up to Claydusk-
Berrythorn: Hi there.
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Claydusk: Yeah?
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Berrythorn: You new here?
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Claydusk: Yeah
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Berrythorn: Well then, it's best you'd learn about the others.
Berrythorn: By the way, we need food fur the kits. But everyone's busy hunting fur Blackheart, the deputy's burying the body of Bramblefire, and I can't do it by myself because I'm still an apprentice.. And I have no mentor, because my mentor was... *sniff* Bramblefire.. I only got one teaching from Bramblefire befur her death, and... No more. Just one.
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Claydusk: Im sorry.
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Moonshade: And yes, her old name was Cloudtail. But she's back into the clan, which means she's known as Cloudstar again.
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Claydusk: Alright.
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-All of a sudden, the cat on the top of the picture is dragging the cat on the bottom of the picture, into the clan-
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Claydusk: Huh?
( I wouldn’t bee suprise did the top ones name is bee related )
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(WHY THE PUN- and yes, the top one IS bee related)
Moonshade: BEEFANG?!
Beefang: Yep, I'm back! And I found Rustyscar, too. She's fainted, though.
Moonshade: How?
Beefang: I found her in the water ravine thing, bleeding everywhere.
Moonshade: ?!
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Claydusk: Try using ( correct herbs )
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Moonshade: Sandfur will.
-Everyone grabbed Rustyscar and brought her to the med den-
Sandfur: *looks absolutely horrified* SIS, NO!! *immediately places Rustyscar on one of the med beds, and begins patching up Rustyscar*
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Claydusk: I’m gonna go look for some more herbs.
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Pumppaw: O-okay.
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Claydusk: * she comes back an hour later with a heck ton of herbs * How’s it going?
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Cloudtail: You okay?
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Claydusk: Um yeah-
( she used to have kits but they were killed by a badger, she remembers vividly when she sees kits)
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Cloudtail: ...
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Claydusk: It’s just personal problems.
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Cloudtail: I know.
(yes Kawaii still exists in this world but remember Cloudstar/tail is Kawaii's pet)
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Claydusk: * she countines*
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Kawaii: *calmly floats close to Claydusk and makes her furget about the kit badger thing permanently*
(The reason Kawaii's doing this is because she doesn't want Claydusk to be scared, since there's like 13 kits in the clan)
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Claydusk: * she walks away, calm*
( so does she just like not even remeber her kits?)
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(she remembers her kits, but she doesn't remember their death. that power strike was meant to make her furget about her kits' deaths and instead make her think they've grown up and are happy, strong, warriors)
Cloudtail: *is still following Claydusk* Soooo, since you're new around here... Why don't I give you a little introduction of the clan cats?
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Claydusk: Sure.
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Cloudtail: I am afraid to say that one of our best warriors, Bramblefire, has died.
Cloudtail: Shalt Bramblefire be at peace within StarClan...
-A big commotion starts-
Cloudtail: Beefang, up!
Beefang: *hops onto the high rock* We shall bury the body at sunset.
Cloudtail: Fur now, see the last of our furry friend, and remember him fur centuries.
Beefang: *hops off the high rock, and begins dragging out a body of a cat that looks like this:*
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Claydusk: Well that sucks.
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Cloudtail: It does.
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Claydusk: Alright I’ll go do something now bye-
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Cloudtail: okay bye
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* she walks off *
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Beefang: ...
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Claydusk: * they go somewhere *
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Cloudtail: *leaps off the high rock and follows Claydusk*
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* walking in circles going faster and faster, repeating the words “ kits” and “ badger “ *
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Berrythorn: It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It's Brokenstar's fault. He killed Bramblefire.
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Claydusk: I thought he was blind.
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Berrythorn: He was. But Bramblefire's an easy target, even fur blind cats.
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Claydusk: Oh. I can see if i can help train you?
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Berrythorn: Okay! Go ask Beefang on the high rock, he's the deputy and Cloudstar's gone fur now, so he's leader. Go ask him.
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Claydusk: Alright ill go ask
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Berrythorn: *decides to follow Claydusk to the high rock*
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Claydusk: I was told that berrythorn's mentor died, so i wanted to know if i could mentor him so his training doesnt get delayed
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Beefang: You can mentor Berrythorn.
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Claydusk: Alright, thank you, ill go tell him.
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Berrythorn: Cloudstar's genderfluid. Cloudstar isn't a she or a he.
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Claydusk: Oh.
( I can relate to a cat :D)
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-Claydusk hears Berrythorn screaming fur help-
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* she sprints over*
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-Claydusk sees Berrythorn stuck in a tree-
Berrythorn: help help help i have a fear of heights help
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* she leaps up grabs him by the scruff and pulls him down*
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Berrythorn: thank you
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Claydusk: No problem. He said yes
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Berrythorn: yay
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Claydusk: So where do you train?
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Berrythorn: The cats here normally train wherever they want, the only places we don't train in are near other clans, near Fourtrees, and near that big deep water ravine.
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Claydusk: Oh. I saw some rouges when I came here.
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Pumppaw: Moonshade, I fear what is going on.
Moonshade: I do too... Not even the deputy has returned back from finding the med cat's sister!..
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Claydusk: Drama :O
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Moonshade: ?- What was that sound?
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* she sneaks away from her spot*
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Moonshade: Come out, mysterious voice! Please!
Pumppaw: C-could it be StarClan?
Moonshade: no, it's not StarClan.
Pumppaw: Okay..
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* she walks out from behind them*
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-They both look behind themselves and see Claydusk-
Moonshade: Hey... Are you another clan cat??
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Claydusk: Yeah?
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Moonshade: Okay, good. We don't like other cats from other clans in our territory, and you don't look very familiar.
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Claydusk: Uh yeah this Cloudtail person invited me.
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Cloudtail: Okay, let's start with the med cats.
Cloudtail: *heads to the med den*
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* she follows her*
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Cloudtail: This is Sandfur.
Sandfur: h-hi I'm Sandfur, a medcat
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Claydusk: Hello!
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Cloudtail: Next one!
Cloudtail: This is Rustyscar, the med cat's sister. She's a med cat too.
Rustyscar: H-hi..
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Claydusk: Hello.
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Cloudtail: Aight, onto the others.
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Clatdusk: Alright.
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Cloudtail: Just go say hi to everyone, I'm gonna be late fur a meeting with DawnClan.
(Yes, I have more fan-made Clans.)
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Claydusk: Alright.
( i have one)
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Claydusk: They look liked * starts describing these cats* well they say thier rouges but they smelled like rose clan.
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Berrythorn: We should alert Beefang, or Cloudstar.
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Claydusk: Alright.
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Berrythorn: ...
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Claydusk: So who do we ask?
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Berrythorn: idk.
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Claydusk: Let’s wait for Cloudstar to come back. If she wants to she can talk it over with their leader.
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Berrythorn: Can I mention something?
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Claydusk: What?
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warrior cats RP anyone?