"I thought I killed my parents and my brother moved to France-" 👀💧
"I don't get paid enough for this" 🤚💀
*Her thick british accent was understandable, but but still very thick*
💀💅 "Life insaurance woulda been great at this point-"
"I gotta gun, kid, get tf outtttttt-" 👀👄💧
*She was hoping whoever it was would believe her about the gun and leave, because she didn't really have one*
"I dOnT wAnnA bUy giRl sCouT cOokiEs!!!"
"pHeW- I should go check to make sure it actually left-"
*She grabbed a knife that was sticking in the wall above her head*
"Glad my bro left this here when he tried killing me" ~w~
*She got outta the bed*