1. Download a nudity filter for your devices
2. Join "Fight The New Drug", "NoFap" on Reddit or other online anti-porn communities
3. Join your local 12-step group
4. Get a CSAT therapist
5. Read these helpful books:
a. https://www.amazon.com/Facing-Shadow-3rd-Starting-Relationship/dp/0985063378/
b. https://www.amazon.com/Porn-Trap-Essential-Overcoming-Pornography/dp/0061231878/
c. https://www.amazon.com/Delivered-Stories-Women-Turned-Purity/dp/1938983467
6. Only as a last resort, completely disconnect yourself from the internet for a week
7. Delete the saved links and your browser history of porn sites so you can't easily access them
8. Enable SafeSearch on Google
9. Write down what harmful effects porn addiction has done to you
10. Exercise
11. Discover a new hobby
12. Don't hurt yourself
13. Acknowledge the addiction exists
14. You must recognize what you are doing is wrong
15. Don't blame others
16. Make yourself accountable to a pastor
17. Pretend that porn is a time bomb that will destroy you when you use it too much
18. Learn to flee self-temptation
19. Look for little victories in your recovery and rejoice them
20. Keep an open, honest dialogue with your partner about your porn addiction
21. Delete electronic porn and bookmarks on all your devices.
22. Discard all your hard-copy porn.
23. Have someone else install an anti-porn software on your electronic devices without giving you the password.
24. Have a plan — choose another activity or two that you can turn to when that powerful urge hits.
25. When you want to view porn, remind yourself how it has affected your life — write it down if that helps.
26. Consider if there are any triggers and try to avoid them.
27. Partner up with someone else who will ask about your porn habit and hold you accountable.
28. Keep a journal to track setbacks, reminders, and alternate activities that work.