I dare you to press the button for the 1st floor, than the 4th floor, than the 2nd floor, than the 6th floor, than the 2nd, than the 10th, than the 5th. If a woman enters the elevator on the 5th floor, do not speak or otherwise acknowledge them. Then, press the button for the 1st floor. Assuming you performed it correctly, you will start going to the 10th floor. Once it arrives, you can either exit the elevator or stay on it. If you stay on, press the button for the 1st floor again. Once you arrive on the 1st floor, leave immediately. If you exit, the only elevator you can use to get back is the one you used. Once you return to the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you used to get here. When you are on the fifth floor and you press the button for the 1st floor, it will begin ascending to the 10th floor. You MUST press any other button to cancel the ascension. Once you do, and you get back to the 1st floor, observe. If all looks normal, you may exit. If anything seems off, you must repeat the process until all looks normal. Have fun