Hello AmericanProduct!!!
I saw you’re a moderator of the fun stream… how do you get that?!
I’ve always wanted to be a mod of a larger stream… I’m currently a mod of MSMG, but it’s very toxic there.
I know, my profile says I joined very recently. But that’s THIS particular account. I’ve been on this website for about 1 1/2 years, using different accounts, alts, and even the first few months when I didn’t have an account at all and just looked at memes.
Anyway, I suppose I’ll give a quick “interview” of my worth to be a moderator of the fun stream, if it’s possible at all.
1. I actually pay attention.
•a lot of MSMG mods just click the check mark without looking, but I look at everything. What the meme is captioned with, the content of the meme, the title, judging whether it should be posted or not.
2. I always stick with stream rules
•when I go to approve memes, I also make sure they follow the rules of the specific stream. For example, one of the rules in Fun is “no reposts”. So if it is a repost, I would disapprove with a kind note to the user.
3. I make sure the image is marked NSFW if applicable
•many times in my MSMG excursion I discover images that have NOT been marked NSFW that require it. Some mods actually post images without marking it first. I always make sure it is marked, and along the way I edit already posted images if needed.
Well, I hope I said enough! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! :)