Mario: Today, I feel like trolling Luigi!
(Mario calls Luigi.)
Mario: Hey Luigi!
Luigi: What is it, Mario?
Mario: Is your refrigerator running?
Luigi: This better not be another one of your stupid prank calls...
Mario: It isn't, I swear!
Mario: Now, is your refrigerator running?
Luigi: Let me go check...
(A few moments later...)
Luigi: Alright, it's running.
Mario: It's running?
Luigi: Yes.
Mario: Well, ya better go catch it!
Luigi: ......
Mario: .....Well, ya better go--
Luigi: Mario... I know it's been hard since Peach died. It's been hard for all of us. But I just want you to know that you can talk to me, okay?
Mario: .......Deez nuts!
(Luigi hangs up.)
Mario: I got him good!
Mario: I...
(Mario tears up.)
Mario: I got him...
Mario: Good...
(Mario starts crying.)