I've created a God of Good and a God of Evil in my stories, Here's how they work:
God of Good: When first the universe was created, God (THE God), Told a light to "Create."
God of Evil: Also there when the universe was just created, But when it saw that God gave the light the power to Create and only give the shadow the power to Destroy, It got angry, Thinking God was playing favorites, So it swore to destroy the light and God. Even though God DIDN'T even tell it to "Destroy", God just said "Uphold Balance.", But it didn't listen cause it doesn't give a sh*t.
Good and Evil aren't just opinion y'know
God of Good loves everyone, Creates life and it's very existence brings heroes to society
While the God of Evil Hates everyone, Destroys life, And it's the literal existence is the reason why some angels betrayed God (Like Satan), Also, If one of them dies, The entire Universe resets.
You're weren't too far off, But you we're also to far off xD