1. For fun. The stream is supposed to be light hearted, so I will treat it as such
3. The toxicity and the division between users
4. Only qualified and active users in the stream. Not friends from other streams that other come to vote
5. I believe that we need free speech over anything. Free speech is how debates happen that can better the stream
6. Yeah. They just caused problems and harassed people. And they already banned
7. Only if the stream owner decides it, and only if the user has blatantly broken tos. Otherwise certain users can just consolidate power
8. I enjoyed it. He deserved it. He blackmailed envoy and the stream voted
9. Wack. Now people go beneath the owners back and don’t let people make defenses
10. Only if they did something worthy of impeaching and the owner approved it
11. I will work with them by listening to them and compromising while also doing what will benefit the stream, not me. Fun is a priority
12. We definitely don’t need 15 members. We could barley find 5 active uses last two cycles
13. Yeah. Let’s more members of the stream to be active inside the stream and let’s them speak their mind
14. Yea. Some alts votes for Wubbzy. Also IncognitoGuy is obviously wn 🙄
15. Yes. Ruins the rp
16. Only if there is hard evidence and not just gut feelings to coincidences
17. Ranked voting. I’ve supported it for a while now
18. Then we try to calm
It down peacefully, and if needed, we use the prison
19. Yes
20. Lower toxicity and create a fun atmosphere
21. Best is the ability to run in an election and the worst is the community(sometimes)
22. Fun>taking it seriously. We don’t need to treat it like a damn funeral