Meanwhile, Evangeline chokes MD with her elbow and
starts adding more pressure, Squire slashes his energy sword at chemist but chemist blocks it
and punches Squire in the stomach, Evangeline puts a ton of pressure on MD’s neck, MD is
tapping his hand on Evangeline but then after 25 other seconds, the tapping stops and
Evangeline kills MD. Leo slashes near Templar’s hand to try to get to him to let go, but Templar
jumps in the air, grabs Jay’s energy sword, slashes at Leo’s waist, slashes him in half, and kicks
him down the hole and Leo’s waist and legs go in different directions, Templar grabs his
Combine sword, and runs back to Evangeline, Squire, Chemist, and Nata. Templar arrives to
see Squire unconscious on the ground, Nata still strapped in and Evangeline being choked by
Chemist, Evangeline says to Templar while being choked “help me”, Templar runs around
Chemist and cuts his hands off, Evangeline escapes from Chemist’s grip and Nata says “Good
one Templar, kill him, kill him now”, Templar responds “I-I shouldn’t, it would make me the bad
guy” Nata responds “DO IT”, Templar looks at Chemist who looks very scared, unsheaves his
combine sword, splits it and decapitates Chemist. Templar frees Nata, Evangeline grabs and
carries Squire who is still unconscious, they use a cart in the base and they escape the base.