I wanted a black cat with green eyes because they're soooo beutiful. But my mom said no because some people are idiots and will murder black cats. Either for dumb halloween rituals or just because they bring "bad luck". Idk, its some kind of messed up crap. Than I asked her If we could get a cat that looks like this: https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/Cv4XwFmXmJMGO4B6p4lgZ42bexI=/1840x1840/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/BirmanCatGiuliaChironnaEyeEm-5c8c316938cf4203af5dde5d1bcf88f8.jpg
Because we had one. She was a stray, but she would always come around because we fed her. Her and a couple of other ones were really sweet. But sadly, someone adopted them. But at least they have a good home now; and we can get another one and name her Numan 2.0 (because the first ones name was Numan)