1. The Apostle's Creed. 2. The 7 Sacraments-Baptism, Confession, the Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Annointing of the Sick (Last Rites).3. There are 7 Old Testament books called the Deuterocannon which Martin Luther removed from Protestant Bibles. Most of them make reference to praying for the dead, and Purgatory. 4. Catholics believe in Purgatory and in praying for the souls which are in that state/place. The souls in Purgatory will eventually see Heaven. The souls in Hell are lost, damned, and beyond saving. 5. Mary conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Son of God and the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, with God the Father and the Holy Ghost, eternal and co-equal. That being said Mary is the Mother of God (Jesus), and is our most powerful intercessor for us in heaven. Catholics believe that the saints in heaven can and do pray for us to God. Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints is not worship or adoration which is owed to God alone. Catholics DO NOT believe in SOL FIDE (faith alone) DO NOT believe in SOL SCRIPTURA (if it's not in the Bible it's unbiblical, therefore bad/wrong). Catholics believe that good works and repentance from past sins are necessary with faith and God's grace to merit salvation otherwise faith w/o works is dead. (Letter of James). There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts Catholic teaching, but not everything Catholic doctrines teach are in the Bible. This "not in the Bible" stuff is called Tradition with a capitol 'T', such things as Mary remaining a virgin forever, Jesus was an 'only child', why we have church on Sunday and not Saturday like Jewish people, why priests aren't allowed tomarry, why no women priests, etc. Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist offered at Mass. There is more but there is too much to write in a single post.