1. Our manual approval and barriers
2. Moderators
3. Our monitoring systems
Now, porn-posters are both intelligent and clever, which is a surprise since their brain's prefrontal cortex HAS F**KING ERODED FROM PORN CONSUPTION. Yeah, sorry about that rage.
They know how to hide their streams and hide raids.
They hide raids by posting in porn streams where we haven't set camp in, like ***** for example. (name censored because I don't want people visiting those streams and getting porn addicted)
They like to attack our weakspots. What are they? Our own comment section and our own strategies, yep.
1. They take advantage of the fact that our comment section monitoring system is uhh, chaotic. And so they attack the comment section. AND SOMETIMES THEY GO UNNOTICED.
2. They like to say "You guys control ToS? Oh, then explain why you c**ts always report us and annoy us. THAT'S HARASSMENT AND AGAINST ToS!" and then they report us. AND THEN SOMETIMES THE SITE MODS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEM. 2 wars were cancelled because of this.
The cleverest of them all are artistic porn posters. They post porn but it's art like yiff and hentai.