No. I freeze time and slowed the bullet down enough to were she would not die. And don't try to shoot again, as I took out the other one's (Shows bullets). Change you're mind?
*grabs the mans gun and shoots him in the leg, disabling him*
Hey, hey! I got him!
*runs towards crush*
I, uh, got him.
Call the cops, he won't, uh, be able to run away.
*stares at crush for 10 seconds*
Yeah, uh, do that.
(Im a Californian, so I'm totally rad and I surf, broski. In reality, I'm the opposite of rad and I don't surf. You live in the place where you can cook eggs on the street.)
(That's crazy. Everybody hypes this place up, but once you live here, it sucks. I'm just a kid and I already want to leave this place. It's also very expensive.)
You, uh, Kaitlyn. I'm the Pizza Man. I want to help you get your boyfriend back. I have proof he's innocent, but I can't give it to the cops, since I'm an outlaw. Here,*gives USB Drive* this has everything to prove his innocence. Hopefully this helps.
*A pizza-smelling haze appears, and the Pizza Man disappears*
Cop: Uh, ok?
*looks at the video*
It's a robbery? With you? You got robbed? Is this an existing case, because this is evidence. What's your name? If you have a case, this is evidence and I need to add this to it.
Ok, wow! I'll give this to the cop overlooking the case. Sheesh.
*five hours pass by*
Cop: Well, we've found you and the boy innocent, while the man is guilty. Well done on getting that.
Morgan Freeman Over voice: And that was the story of how a girl was robbed, saved, then the man who saved her was falsely accused, then was saved by her and the Pizza Man, and then fell in love.
R-really? Wow!
I c-c-can't believe it!
We should go out tonight! Or is that to quick.
I, uh, I don't believe it!
*cop pulls me*
Cop: What's our name?
Jake, sir.
Cop: Jake, you are under arrest for shooting this man. Unless we can verify this man was attempting to rob this lady, you will be charged with assault.
Cop: Unless we can get proof of this incident, we can't trust your word. We believe you, but I can't take that as fact. I must consider both parties innocent.