Although the fact that I'm moderating the f_u_n_n_y stream I'm just getting tired of it, although one of the owners tried to kill a legend named Kervin which he harassed him trying to take away his reputation is very wrong, and that owner doesn't even care about how sad everyone is about Kervin leaving. Such an absolute joke this stream became. Moderating a stream with an owner killing legends. Although you could've just blocked Kervin and ignore him forever and not be such a jerk trying to kill him with your bullshit. Moderating this stream me feel like I'm working for a guy who hates on legends and tries to get rid of them, I have a present for that owner who hated on Kervin and that's me saying goodbye to this stream and taking away my own mod. The MEMELANDIA stream was way better and was created by Kervin. There is no war against anything. Anyways codmobileking_offical was the one who tried to get rid of Kervin and is owner of this stream, makes me feel like a jerk. And that is why I think everyone in this stream should leave this stream because I feel like they are using a stream owned by a legend killer. DO NOT DISSAPROVE THIS MEME OR DELETE THIS COMMENT, LET ME HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS STREAM