WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT SATAN'S LEVEL OF EVIL? If you've seen our study series, "Spiritual Warfare: The Satanic War on the Christian," you'll know that, in Greek, Scripture's word for Satan's level of evil is "poneros," versus how he could have been depicted as “kakos.” Kakos is just a general evil and could be described in this way: A kakos person would go in to rob a 7-Eleven, and then when the store is surrounded by the police with no way of escape, he would give up and put his gun down. That robber would be considered kakos, or generally bad. But "poneros," which is used to describe Satan's brand of evil, would result in a quite different end to our scenario. A poneros individual, like Satan, would be in that same store with his gun, but when surrounded by the police with no way out, he is so evil he would shoot and kill as many people as he can before being taken. That's poneros and it is the word
our Bible uses to describe Satan’s more extreme brand of evil.