No, because the ! at the end means you are finding the factorial of 326,863,667,296,978,821,051,431,480,437,592, which is too big to list here. If you do not know how factorials work, here is an example: the factorial of 5 (or 5!) is 1x2x3x4x5, or 120. In order to find the factorial of a number, you must multiply it by every single natural number that comes before it. So you would multiply 326,863,667,296,978,821,051,431,480,437,592 x 326,863,667,296,978,821,051,431,480,437,591 x 326,863,667,296,978,821,051,431,480,437,590... x 1. I think you see where you went wrong.