This is giving me a whole identity crisis, so the same thing happens to me where I fall in love with people too fast, and I'm also wondering if I'm a lesbian or pan as well. So I'm having an identity crisis at 1 in the morning. that's always fun!
My LGBTQ story: In 3rd grade, I had a crush on a girl, at that time,I had no idea what lgbtq+ was. So I thought She was just my best friend. in 6th grade, I learned what lgbtq+ was, and I thought I was bi. then I thought I was lesbian. Ive also never really felt like a girl, and that made me feel like I didn't fit in. But I then thought; "Hey, Maybe your pan" And because I fall in love WAY too quick, one of my friends said I was poly, and then thanks to the lgbtq+ stream, I'm now Pan, Poly,and Demigirl/bigender