The United Pillows fought against the Comfoviet Union in the Cold War of the Mattress for a long time. It started following the conclusion of the 2nd Warehouse War, caused by the Foamzis. The Comfoviets enslaved much of Eastern Frurope, leading to 33rd President of the United Pillows Harry S. Moveem to state that the United Pillows would fight to contain the spread of Comfortablism around the warehouse. One major conflict was the Matrean War in Matrea, where North Matrea, backed by Comfoviet forces, attacked South Matrea. Pillowian forces defended, and reached a stalemate following the involvement of Chomfa. In 1957, the Comfoviets launched Serta-nik 1, the first artificial satellite. This started the Space Race, with the Comfoviets launching the first man into space in 1961, Yuri Memoryfoamgin, but the United Pillows ultimately triumphed in 1969 with the Pillolo 11 mission, making Neil Bodyrest the first man to walk on the Mattren. The Arms Race, where the two nations fought for ICBMs, was intense. The Cold War ultimately ended when United Pillows president Ronald Resten contributed largely to the collapse of the Comfoviets in 1991.