Sapphire: Don't make me press send, I'm a minecraft moderator. *he smiles*
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winter:"haa you can't kill me that way"
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Sapphire: Then I can press it?
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*He presses send and winter dissapears*
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Delphine: oh hey! whats with the gas mask? do you need it to breathe or is your own stank making you dizzy?
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Sapphire Brother 28: We can fly, you know.
*Sapphire Brother 93 takes the water and drinks it all*
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Delphine laughs and flies up higher: you know you really should be a comedian with your sense of humor! she takes out another water bottle and drinks more.
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(brb gotta eat)
*All of the Sapphires launch about 1.9 million nukes at her at the same time*
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(ohk ill just reply again bc yes)
Delphine gently floats away: trying to restart ww3 huh? (future go brrrrrr)
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*Sapphire shakes his head, and summons a nuke, he holds it right on top of Delphine with his force.*
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Delphine seems unbothered: just a nuke?
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Sapphire: Okay then. *he launches 100 nukes*
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Delphine steps aside a couple of meters: boringggggg
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*Sapphire has a fire aura surrounding him, his eyes turning red*
Sapphire: DIE!!!
*he rams into delphine, and delphine is on fire and feels extremely weak.*
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Delphine drinks some water.
Delphine: you think you can beat a demigod?
she summons a thunderbolt and forms it into a ball
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Sapphire: Yup, I have a million times. *he then summons his brothers. about 100 more sapphires show up ready to fight with unique moves*
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Delphine: well what do you have? just some more copy's of you to help me kick your ass?
she fires the sphere and knocks out about 43 of them. she then makes a cloud and climbs atop on it. she makes a couple more bolts and knocks out more of them.
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*They just recover. That was a warmup for them. They come back up and all of them use unique moves on her, and she really does feel weak*
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She drinks more water and moves her cloud up so they cant reach her.
Delphine, proudly: sucks to be mortal, huh?
she then fuses multiple bolts to make 1-mega ball