Me: you still play fortnite? the fortnite kid:; well, yes because the game has had some major updates that I really do think are cool. For instance, I love the pump shotgun. My favorite, don"t get me wrong but I also need to consider that all the guns deserve to have some of every fortnite players love. Now, if your looking for a good firerate from a gun, you have to go with the smg. it is the best gun if your looking for split second attacks. There are people that are having great times with other games like Call Of Duty, Valorant, Apex Legends; but I have to say from personal opinion, fortnite season 7 was probably the best. I would have to guess from my research that all the guns were still there from the previous seasons and I would love it if they had kept it that way. but, with no complaint furthermore, I love FORTNITE; Me listening to him