I understand how you feel. I've been called a libtard and a nazi in the same day. Whenever I challenge anyone anymore, it's usually responded to with an attack based on 'otherism.' Something to the effect of, "You;re not part of my tribe so eff you and the horse you rode in on." When 8 was on the ballot in California, I was arguing the 14th amendment to dems and reps alike. I was never called stupid or attacked personally. The worst threat I received was that they would pray for me. Things have gotten really bad since then. Try to tell a republican that "my face, my choice" regarding masks is inconsistent with "you can't have a medical procedure that you want and your doctor can do safely" and I'm a fascist(!?). Tell a democrat that a third of democrats in California voted FOR prop 8, and the response is usually in the form of "more republicans are homophobes," which is correct based on the prop 8 voting record, but is not a rebuttal of the fact that so were a third of democrats when they stood in the voting booth.